Certified Practitioner
Abscopal effects is very commonly seen, if we embrace the boldness to pursue it without inhibitions of lower doses smarter targeted localised manipulations of tumour bed via smart LDRT or smart arterial chemo embolization without overly damage the host or causing too much TCD Tolerogenic Cell Death. Hyperthermia is proven to induce ICD immunogenic cell death, stimulating host responses developing life long cancer rejections immunity.
Oncologist must admit the current complete failure states of RFCR achievement, many patients healing opportunities are exterminated due to over-ambitioned & harsh treatment options orthodoxically offered. Ignorance of immunology in oncology is futile outdating the conventional hospital rigid protocols. Hyperthermia & fever remains historically proven & critically essential.
Recent post pandemic spike protein mRNA related injuries, inducing many hyper-progression of cancer relapses, command an urgent radical shift of paradigm in chemo-toxicology approach of cancer management, shifting it back to cancer vaccination approach with whole-body, whole-human integrative immuno-oncology approach to successfully cure cancers.
Designation(s): Medical Consultant, Well Again Healthcare Center For Integrative Oncology
Language(s): English, Mandarin, Malay, Cantonese, Hokkien
Certification Status: AD.DIP.MED.SCI.(I.M.U).M.D.(CANADA)
Place of Practice: Well Again Healthcare Center
Expertise: Hyperthermia Inducing Complete Remissions, In-Situ Tumour Vaccination